I'll write you a song....

Actually, this is on hiatus for very obvious reasons...
Just give me a title! Email me a title and I'll write a song, short, long, funny, serious or otherwise for the title. The email address is musicalperegrinations@gmail.com

I will post all songs onto the blog when I'm finished with them.



New Songs, Updates, Etc.

Been busy, writing new songs and recording them. I'm sorry you all have to wait for the videos. Unfortunately, I can't post covers. Society will get done eventually, but seeing as I have two AP exams this week it will be later rather than sooner. I have a recording of a friend's violin, but the recording did not turn out as well as expected, I blame my clip-on mic. Next time I will use the onboard mic on the BR. When I get new violin and guitar songs, I'll definitely post them and try to get video footage with my friend in it. In the meanwhile, video taping is going to commence(hopefully) at some point this weekend! Yay! The newest songs that need videos are as follows:

  • Your First Last
  • Reserved Smiles
  • A Birthday song for my friend (heh, her little sister came over and we wrote the craziest song)
  • Everything's a Shade of Gray
  • I Almost Held Your Hand
  • Full, Bright Eyes and an Empty Mind
I sort of think that I should make a better video for Diamonds & Stars. I would adjust the credits level and such.