I'll write you a song....

Actually, this is on hiatus for very obvious reasons...
Just give me a title! Email me a title and I'll write a song, short, long, funny, serious or otherwise for the title. The email address is musicalperegrinations@gmail.com

I will post all songs onto the blog when I'm finished with them.



Hey! A video!!

Well lookit here. A Video!! I finally scrounged up some time to throw a quick song and vid together. Society is still in the works because it is almost all animation done with paint and Windows Movie Maker and that means it is a pain. But I have this one for you instead. It is called Diamonds & Stars. Most of it is just pictures of my animals. The Golden Retriever is Trotter, the Basset Hound is Hoover, the grey cat is Kitmin, the large black and white cat is Flansburgh and the cutie pie smaller one is named Zimbabwe, otherwise known as Zim. There are also a few pics of a heart circuitboard I soldered together. Enjoy!