I'll write you a song....

Actually, this is on hiatus for very obvious reasons...
Just give me a title! Email me a title and I'll write a song, short, long, funny, serious or otherwise for the title. The email address is musicalperegrinations@gmail.com

I will post all songs onto the blog when I'm finished with them.



An Instrumental

This is an instrument with the guitar and melodica. The melodica is playing the vocal melody. This is something I wrote, but I can't get the lyrics to come together and I love the melody too much to just let it be. I hope you enjoy.
Guitar and Melodica

In case you didn't know what a melodica was, here is a vid of me playing one, impromptu may I add. Camera work done by my good friend.


  1. blabelle said...

    your good friend Brianna.

  2. blabelle said...

    I Like it! Very pretty guitar line, although kinda quiet.

  3. Unknown said...

    Video.... Whoah....